Core Services
Information & Referral: Do you need information on agency or community resources? This service is for you! Give us a call and we can help you over the phone, meet with you in person, look for your chat from our website (see the blue chat bubble in the lower right hand corner? Just click on it!) or communicate by email. The choice is yours!
Advocacy: Individual advocacy works with people with disabilities develop the skills necessary to represent themselves in all kinds of situations. helping them to act on their own behalf to settle disputes, obtain housing or employment, ask for accommodations, or obtain support services from community agencies. Systems advocacy works at community, state and federal levels for policy changes, removal of physical, systemic, programmatic or attitudinal barriers, to make facilities, services and opportunities accessible to people with disabilities.
Independent Living Skills Training: The goal of the Independent Living Skills Program of Independence, Inc. is to assist individuals with disabilities in maximizing their potential to lead fulfilling and productive lives in their homes and the community, through practical and hands-on training in basic life skills like money management, budgeting, healthy cooking, using technology, cleaning, understanding public transit systems and schedules and much more.
Peer Support and Peer Counseling: Individuals with disabilities who have gained knowledge and skills in independent living, assist others in coping with their disability-related experiences. We do this through both a one-on-one Peer Counseling relationship with trained volunteers, and through our consumer-led Peer Groups, organized and facilitated by a staff member.
Deinstitutionalization/Transition Services: Deinstitutionalization is a core service that reflects our values and belief that placement of people with disabilities in institutions or nursing homes is inappropriate. Independence, Inc. provides services to assist a person with a disability make the transition from a nursing home or institution to a home of their choosing in the community. We also offer Youth Transition Services which involves assisting teens and young adults with disabilities transition from high school or other education system into adulthood and higher education, technical training or employment.
Additional Programs and Services
- Braille Services: Translating/converting text or documents to Braille for a small fee
- Business and Community Services: education, technical assistance, training/presenting and accessibility surveys are offered to businesses and organizations in our communities to help identify changes that will provide equal access for people with disabilities.
- Computer Lab: Our fully accessible computer lab consists of 5 personal computers, equipped with large wide screens, a variety of software, including word processing, spreadsheet, database, and typing instruction programs. The computers are equipped with a variety of assistive technologies to insure their accessibility to all individuals. Our assistive technology includes screen readers for Windows, screen magnification, voice input, alternative keyboards, trackballs, keyboard modification software, scanners and a Braille printer.
- General Public Transportation: Do you need ride? Our Accessible Transportation Services are here for you when you need us for Dr. appointments, shopping, community activities or just visiting friends. Give us a call! We even offer rides to the Kansas City and Topeka areas for medical appointments!
- Housing Programs and Services: We provide information and services to assist people with disabilities obtain affordable and/or accessible housing and to learn and exercise their rights under federal fair housing laws.
- Accessible Housing Program (AHP): Assists people with disabilities and low incomes make needed home accessibility modifications to remain independent in their homes.
- Working Healthy/WORK Program: We offer Independent Living Counseling (ILC) services under the Kansas Working Healthy/Work Opportunities Reward Kansans (WORK) Program to all program participants across the state of Kansas.
- Kansas TAP Program: Do you need We are a Kansas TAP access site that provides specialized equipment to Kansans with disabilities who need access to basic home telecommunication services. At Independence, Inc., you can try out the telecommunication devices and get help applying for TAP services.
- Medical Equipment Loan Bank: The Equipment Loan Program provides loans and donations of recycled durable medical equipment at low or no cost to the public.
- Financial Management/PASS Services: We offer Financial Management Services (FMS) for eligible persons with disabilities desiring to direct their own personal care services under the Kansas Medicaid HCBS Waiver Program.