Our Mission

Since 1978, Independence, Inc. has served as a resource in Lawrence and Northeast Kansas through our mission to maximize the independence of people with disabilities through advocacy, peer support, training, transportation and community education. As an Independent Living Center, we work with people with various disabilities to live in the environments of their choice.  We offer options, resources and advocacy to help people live fulfilling lives. Our vision is to work together in transforming our communities to be the best places in which people with disabilities can live, learn, work and play. For more information about Independence, Inc., please visit the links below.

Our Services

Board of Directors

Our Staff

Career Opportunities

Contact Information

Volunteer Opportunities


Download Center Brochure

Download Transportation Brochure

Download WORK ILC Brochure

To schedule a tour, please call 785-841-0333.

Our space is your space. We offer conference room available for reservation, an open-to-the-public computer lab and more. Want to see what goes on behind the scenes and meet our staff? Come by for a tour! We would love to show you around.

Independent Living. What exactly does that mean?

What is self-advocacy and Independent Living Philosophy? Read all about it here. It’s choice, it’s inclusion, it’s civil rights and it’s why we do what we do!

Share in our vision and our mission by donating securely online today!