Housing Services

Contact: Emily Frye
Independent Living Specialist
[email protected]
841-0333 ext. 107

Independence, Inc. provides information and services to assist people with disabilities obtain affordable and/or accessible housing, to learn one’s rights under fair housing laws, how to exercise those rights and offers supports to remain in the home of your choice.

We also assist people with disabilities moving from an institution back into community based housing through our Deinstitutionalization Services.

The Independence, Inc. Accessible Housing Program (AHP) assists people with disabilities and low incomes in Lawrence, Kansas make needed accessibility modifications in their housing to remain safely in the home of your choosing. The AHP is funded by through the City of Lawrence Affordable Housing Trust Fund.  Contact Daniel Brown to learn about the current availability of this grant and other resources that can assist you make needed accessibility modifications to your home.

Additional Resources

  • Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Rights and Resources for People with Disabilities U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development website with information for people with disabilities.
  • What Fair Housing Means for People with Disabilities is an excellent booklet from the Bazelon Center explaining in plain language how three federal laws protect the housing rights of people with mental or physical disabilities.
  • Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity for All booklet A booklet available for download or print from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that further explain housing rights and accommodations for individuals with disabilities based on Fair Housing laws.
  • All About Rental Assistance! Search the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for all things Rental Assistance related, including State-specific rental information, property search and how to apply for public and subsidized housing.
  • Kansas Human Rights Commission Agency that enforces the Kansas Act Against Discrimination
  • The City of Lawrence, Kansas Human Relations Division is a local civil rights enforcement agency. It investigates complaints from persons in the City of Lawrence, Kansas alleging they have been discriminated against in employment, housing, or public accommodations because of disability and other protected class status. Human Relations also provides education for the City’s anti-discrimination law. If you believe you have been discriminated against, you can submit an Intake Discrimination Complaint form online.
  • The Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority (LDCHA) is a joint agency of the City and County governments with a mission to provide safe and affordable housing to Douglas County residents with incomes at or below 80 percent of the area median income. See application directions at How to Apply for (LDCHA) Housing
  • Housing Stabilization Collaborative Rent Assistance Program: A community collaborative amongst local service agencies with funding available to low income individuals or families needing short-term rent assistance.
  • Tenants to Homeowners (TTH) (www.tenants-to-homeowners.org) maintains affordable rental homes in Lawrence, Kansas for those with very low incomes (60% or less than the median income for Lawrence). TTH also operates a first time homebuyer program for persons who qualify.
  • Independence, Inc. Accessible Housing Program
    This grant program assists people with disabilities with low to moderate incomes living in the City of Lawrence, Kansas with needed accessibility modifications in their homes. Information and technical assistance is also provided to others planning accessibility improvements in their home or business.
    Contact: Daniel Brown ([email protected])
    Core Services Manager
    785-841-0333 ext. 121