Braille Services

Contact: Daniel Brown
Core Services Manager
[email protected]
841-0333 ext. 121
three hands on a braille page with fingers on the text

All Braille is reviewed and if a document requires additional formatting, we will notify you and give you the choice to do it yourself or utilize our services.


Braille Fees
Fees Unit Description of Service
$5.00 Per Electronic Document Includes spelling corrections, spacing and conversion to .txt file format.
$0.80 Per Double-Sided Brailled Page Includes standard Braille paper printed on both sides.
$0.40 Per Single-Sided Brailled Page Includes standard Braille paper printed on only one side.
$1.50 Per Small Binder Includes a small binder appropriate to bind the Brailled document
$3.00 Per Large Binder Includes a large binder appropriate to bind the Brailled document.
$30.00 Per Hour Only for major changes such as changing bullets, describing images or charts, and creation of Tables of Contents, Directories, Cover Pages, etc.