Client Obligation Policy (FMS Program)

Client Obligation Policy (FMS Program)

As a consumer with a client obligation, we would like to take this chance to give you some information explaining how the client obligation policies work for you and for Independence, Inc. If you have any questions at all regarding this information, please feel free to contact the FMS Program or your case manager to help explain it further.

Client Obligation Policy Q & A

Effective 3/1/09

What is a client obligation?
A client obligation is similar to an insurance co-payment. It is money paid by you for your personal services before Medicaid pays. For example: If your monthly services were $100 and you had a client obligation of $20, you would pay Independence, Inc. FMS Program $20 and Medicaid would pay FMS $80. The amount of client obligation is determined by the amount over the Protected Income Limit that you receive on a monthly basis. Check with your case manager or DCF for information on what receipts and expenses could help lower your monthly payment.
How will I know if I have a client obligation?
Your Plan of Care will indicate if you have one. A Notice of Action will be sent to you if the amount changes. DCF will also send notification to you.
To whom do I make payment?
Your Plan of Care indicates to whom it is payable.
When is it due?
Payments to Independence, Inc. FMS program are due by the 20th of each month.

Payment Guidelines

If it is determined that you have a client obligation and it is payable to Independence, Inc. FMS Program, you will need to follow these guidelines:

  • It is very important that you communicate any problem to your payroll provider that could affect the payment of your client obligation so it can be resolved as early as possible.
  • Client obligation statements are sent out at the beginning of each month from the FMS Program. Payments are due in our office by the 20th of that month. If a client obligation is not paid after 3 months or the total unpaid balance exceeds $750, Independence, Inc. FMS payroll services could be discontinued.
  • A Notice of Action stating that your payroll services will be discontinued shall be sent to you halfway through the 3rd month. By the end of the 3rd month, the amount due must be paid in full or a payment plan must be developed with Independence, Inc. FMS Program and signed by both the Business and FMS Payroll Manager and you. The duration of the payment plan cannot exceed one year.