Read the Press Release here Reeve grant press release
Independence, Inc.’s State Association, Kansas Association of Centers for Independent Living (KACIL) was one of only 7 organizations nationwide, to receive a $40,000 2017 Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Nursing Home Transition Grant. Here at Independence, Inc. we are celebrating with fellow Kansas Centers for Independent Living, all of whom will benefit from the grant, as we look forward to serving our communities. Jill Enyart, co-director at Independence, Inc., was the grant writer and was notified in June of the award. The NHT grant will be used to assist individuals in nursing homes or other institutions, wishing to transition into the community and live independently. The grant can assist with costs such as rental deposits, assistive technology and equipment, essential home furnishings, home modification and utility deposits. For more information or to apply for funding in Douglas, Franklin and Jefferson Counties, contact Ranita, [email protected] or 785-841-0333 ext. 115